Captured by a Better Vision: Living Porn-free

ISBN: 9781844744350
Book Author

Tim Chester

SKU: 9781844744350 Category:



It is a brave man who talks openly about sexual sin. It is an even braver one who writes a book about it! But Tim Chester now has an established track record of writing well-crafted, profoundly theological, but deeply pastoral books. This book specifically tackles the blight of pornography head on and follows naturally from his 2008 publication, You Can Change. That Captured by a Better Vision is needed and timely should not be in doubt. The statistics for pornography usage and the sex industry’s profit margins are truly terrifying. Porn’s repercussions (for users, for those involved in the sex industry, and for society as a whole) bear thinking about. Its pervasive presence among Christians is the western church’s vast, unspoken secret. One survey Chester quotes suggests that out of every 100 adults, twenty-five men and ten women are struggling with regular porn use (p. 11). Yet despite its prevalence, it is a problem of such shame that it is confined to the shadows and never properly addressed.

So how to tackle it? That is the painful question for pastors who minister to such people, not to mention those who themselves struggle. The age-old resort of the well-directed rebuke, or naming and shaming, has never worked. Many caught up in pornography are wracked by crippling shame as it is, but that is barely enough to halt their indulgence. Furthermore, such an approach falls headlong into the trap of legalism, which can never bring transformation (only pride and defeat or both) and which is fundamentally incompatible with the authentically Christian gospel of grace.

This is something that Chester understands deeply—which is precisely why he is able to navigate so successfully through this pastoral minefield. His tactic seems to be as much about displacement as it is pastoral diagnosis. As his quotation from an anonymous article makes clear, porn addicts ‘need something more than mere information: they need to be wooed by the true and pure lover that their heart secretly seeks’ (p. 76).

Chester is determined to offer precisely that. This does not, of course, mean he is afraid to provide important information or to speak very frankly (as he warns in the introduction)—a topic like this demands straight talking. He thus rightly begins, in the first of his five sections, by piercing porn’s façade of consensual pleasure and ‘harmless fun.’ He ruthlessly exposes what the sex industry actually does to people at every level—his list of twelve reasons to give up porn is brutal in its trenchant but indisputable analysis. It thus easily achieves his aim to make pornography abhorrent.

Fortunately, however, this is not the book’s exclusive agenda. As the title suggests, Chester has a far more encouraging and inspiring concern. He wants to move us from abhorring porn to adoring God, with its resulting confidence of forgiveness and determination to battle sin. He has sought to understand, at a deep level, what insecurities and idols cause people to get hooked in the first place—and then proceeds to expose why the gospel is both infinitely better and far more compelling. He powerfully articulates the new confidence brought about by a believer’s justification in Christ, and he nicely applies the apparent paradoxes of this divinely granted status: we are freed by Christ to be free; we are cleansed by Christ to be clean; we are made holy so that we can be holy (pp. 90–94). As he says, ‘battling porn in our lives is not an exercise in denying pleasure. It’s about fighting pleasure with greater pleasure’ (p. 76). ‘So with every false promise of porn there is a true promise of God. Whatever porn offers, God offers more’ (p. 51).

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Book Author

Tim Chester









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