Hebrews: Randall House New Testament Commentary

ISBN: 9780892655144
Book Author

W. Stanley Outlaw

SKU: 9780892655144 Category:



The theological position represented in this series is firmly committed to the cardinal Christian doctrines: the classical Trinitarian doctrine; the virgin birth, deity, vicarious atonement, bodily resurrection, and literal second coming of Christ; salvation by grace involving the necessity of the new birth; permanent personal existence in Heaven or Hell; and so on. The distinctive feature of this series is the presentation of “Reformed” or “Classical” Arminian interpretation consistent with Arminius himself and in the sense that the original Remonstrance was Arminian.

The authors of this series emphatically affirm that salvation is not by works but by grace alone, by faith alone, by the work of Christ alone―as did the Reformers. They embrace the penal, substitutionary atonement position that Christ fully satisfied the just demands of a holy God for the infinite punishment of sin. They also acknowledge total depravity, in that, humans are totally unable to save themselves or perform any work that will bring about salvation.

These commentaries are not intended to be highly technical. Nor are they meant to be merely devotional. The writers seek to steer a course between these two kinds of commentaries, producing volumes that can be understood by the general Christian public and yet seriously expound the text. Each unit of material is followed by a section that highlights practical application and provides help for teachers and preachers. Each unit closes with a summary that gives an overview of the text.

Additional information

Book Author

W. Stanley Outlaw








Randall House

Year Published



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