Christian Political Action in an Age of Revolution
Why do Christians not see that the prevailing spirit of our times has its origin and raison d’etre in a rejection of revealed truth? Why do they not see that the overthrow of the religious, political, and social order was not the result of a revolutionary blip, but of a revolutionary condition, and that perpetual revolution always has been and always will be the inevitable consequence of the denial of man’s dependence on the god of nature, history and the Gospel? Why do they not see that this evil cannot be brought to an end by merely attacking the symptoms? It has to be torn up by the roots. Why do they not see that the only antidote for systematic unbelief is faith? Why do they not see that the anti-revolutionary principle is nothing other than the Protestant Christian principle, the Reformation principle? It alone, through the Gospel, can realize whatever there is of truth and goodness in these revolutionary utopias, and so save both church and state. – from cover material.
Additional information
Book Author | Guillaume Groen Van Prinsterer |
Format | Paperback |
Language | English |
Pages | 166 |
Publisher | Wordbridge Pub |
Year Published | 2015 |
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