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Pentecost-Today? The Biblical Basis for Understanding Revival

ISBN: 9780851517520
Book Author

Iain H. Murray

SKU: 9780851517520 Category:

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One of the best treatments of revival and the power of the Holy Spirit I have ever come across. It most closely resembles my beliefs with regard to this doctrine.’ — PAUL WASHER
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Some today find no justification for a theology of revival in the Bible and see the whole revival emphasis as a distraction from the duty of seizing present opportunities: for them the subject has been worn out by its advocates and discredited by unfulfilled hopes. Yet others remain convinced that revival is the only answer and that a renewed fulfillment of 2 Chronicles 7:14 ought to be our great expectation. Against the background of these different views and accepting neither of them Iain Murray argues for fresh thinking from Scripture.

Pentecost showed that the gospel is able to win sudden acceptance despite the strongest opposition. But if as some believe Pentecost is a permanent reality, how is it that Christianity can often differ so much from the apostolic pattern? And how are we to explain those epochs in history when men, filled afresh with the Spirit of God, saw advances which were indeed comparable with those of the early church? Did the secret lie n renewed obedience, in prayer, or simply in the sovereign intervention of God? And if the action of God is the sole explanation, where does Scripture s strong emphasis on human responsibility come in?

Answers to these questions involve profound mystery. But Scripture is clear on what is given more abundantly to those who pray for the Holy Spirit stronger faith in the truth and hearts enlarged in love are always the foremost evidences of his power. Pentecost Today? is a different approach to questions crucial to the present state of the church.

‘It is noteworthy that there are more books describing revivals than there are those that deal with their biblical basis. That may be because to read about revivals is more pleasant, and initially, perhaps, more inspiring, than understanding the struggle to establish a biblical theology which explains and justifies the phenomenon. But in the long run it has to be the latter which is more important. This book aims to supply that lack.’ — IAIN MURRAY

Iain Murray has already approached the subject of revival from several historical angles. Now he confronts the biblical teaching and presents what the Bible has to say about this all-important, much-debated matter.

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Book Author

Iain H. Murray








Banner of Truth

Year Published



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